Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The 1% Rule

I came across an article that highlights on the 1% rule topic that the Citizen Marketers book points out. It begins with a very interesting statistic that basically defines the 1% rule. It says that, "...if you get a group of 100 people online, then one of them will actually create content, 10 people will "interact" with it, and the other 89 people will just view it." That is amazing to me considering all of content available online with YouTube and MySpace and all the blogs out there. The article continues to say that although the creator to consumer ratio is less than one percent, you can expect it to increase because YouTube is still not something that is commonplace with everyone. The article ends saying that even Yahoo!, one of the pioneer search engines, reports that less than one percent of it's population are creating groups, with about the same corresponding numbers as the previous statistic interacting with it and viewing it. I believe that this 1% rule is probably a concept that not many people know about so I was just throwing that out there in addition to what we have already seen in the textbook.
--westonJ OUT

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